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KPPA | Kunekune Pork Producers Association

The Kunekune Pork Producers Association is a group of Kunekune farmers who have come together to focus on marketing and promoting Kunekune pork raised under a rigid set of sustainability and animal welfare standards.

We are a sister organization of the Empire Kunekune Pig Association.


Interested in starting your Kunekune meat program but don’t know where to start? We can help you! KPPA’s mentorship program will include all things PORK production! From marketing, to business plan and farming. Our mentorship program is a safe place to ask questions, share ideas and of course gain valuable information from seasoned Kunekune farmers and meat producers that have been successfully producing 100% Kunekune Pork.

  • This FREE Pork Production Mentorship will be an 3.5 month intensive program.

  • The program will start mid January and end April 30.

  • Topics that will be covered (not necessarily in this order or limited to) over the months will be: nutrition best practices, record keeping and data management, conformation and how that translates to the carcass, marketing strategies, business planning and balance sheets, labeling certifications, working with your butcher, cut recognizing and utilization, charcuterie, and more... A fluid schedule will be provided at the beginning of the program.

  • Mentees are expected to be able to commit to a 90 minute meeting with the mentorship group every 21 days.

  • Mentees are expected to be able to commit to completing action based items based on the monthly topic. Yes, we will have homework. This is research for your farm and your farm goals based on what you have learned. It is for mentee benefit, and it is for teaching mentee how to operate on their own with success! 1-5 hours per week

  • Mentees are expected to be able to commit to small group work for action based items on topics being covered.

  • At the conclusion of the mentorship, all participants will be asked evaluate their experience in the program.


HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? Submit your inquiry below!